Hello there! It seems you are interested in what I had to say on my blog, or someone referred you to me.
I provide technology consultation. The truth is, anything I have to say can be found somewhere on the internet.
But if you still feel that I can be of your assistance in any of the following:
- Software development
- Web
- web-apps
- micro-services
- e-commerce
- Mobile
- Thinking through an app dev process
- Decisions on hybrid vs native
- I have NO expertise in game-dev
- Embedded
- Web
- Start-up ideas
- Internet of Things
- Product development
- Broad ideas only for a sit-down consultation
- Help setup a team for product development
- Ideation, technological feasibility
- Research into patents, potential infringements etc
- Career development in the technology realm
- I do not provide networking opportunity, just ideas of what you can do with the interests and your current-skill-set
- I can provide broad ideas on how to expand your skill-set
- But then again, you can find 100’s of blogs on that
Online meeting via Zoom, MS-Teams, Skype or Google Meetings
Currently available in the UAE if you require an in-person meeting
Fees payable prior to start of session.
Meetings will be recorded for audio and (optionally video)