GPS and the Flat – Earther1 min read

First published on my now defunct FB page on Friday, 20 October 2017 at 23:55 UTC+04

Just imagine for a second…. 100’s of engineers working hard to get all the 12 GPS satellites in orbit and mathematicians and computer programmers figuring out how to triangulate your position and then getting all that ready for the first day of trials. So on the first day, everything works PERFECT. The fucking GPS system is working perfect. It’s able to show the receiver on Earth, its position best to +/- 15 meters… I’m talking about 1978… Everybody gets drunk and celebrates the success. Next day… Around 1 pm, when the hangover just wore off, one of those nerdy engineers decides to go for a ride with the receiver, to bask in the glory of GPS… and… well lo and behold.. the fucking thing isn’t working? What the fuck just happened. Where is the bug… He immediately notifies his superiors and everybody goes to debug the flaw… Thousands of console.log’s later (assuming they were living in a matrix running on v8) someone says, rather ironically.. we need a fucking Einstein to figure this out. And that was it. Ein-fucking-stein. They forgot to take into account general relativity and special relativity for time fucking dilation. Atomic clocks maybe accurate.. but they’re gonna be working faster than usual upwards of 20,000 kms in space. And space-time curvature ? What the fuck.. Thank you Einstein for being a weirdo. I can now safely stay oblivious to the road I’m on and just listen to the turn-by-turn instruction to reach my meetup with the Flat-Earthers.

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